Monday, March 19, 2012

The goal of this is life is twofold.

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Ps 38:4

The goal of this life is twofold. One part we acquire, with the help of divine grace, through our efforts and virtuous works.  This is to offer God a pure heart, free from all stain of actual sin.  We do this when we are perfect and in Cherith, that is, hidden in the charity of which the wise man says, "Charity covers all sins."

The other part of the goal of this life is granted us as the free gift of God: namely, to taste somewhat in the heart and to experience in the soul, not only after death but even in this mortal life, the intensity of the divine presence and the sweetness of the glory of heaven.

This is to drink of the torrent of the love of God.

-John of the Cross

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