Wednesday, December 21, 2011

His Unspeakable Gift

Say, what is the meaning of Christmastide,
The Day that is dearer than all beside?
Say, what is its message, what does it tell,
That childhood and age should love it so well?
It meaneth that once in the long ago,
A Baby was born in a manger low.
While Seraphim sang of His wondrous birth,
And sages came forth from the ends of the earth.

It means that the Christ in the heart is born
As truly as once on the Christmas morn;
And all who will welcome Him to abide
Will find that each day is a Christmastide.
It ringeth a message more loud and clear,
Proclaiming the glad Millennial Year.

For Bethlehem’s Star has risen once more,
And the world’s long night is almost over.
Ring louder, ye bells of the Christmastide;
Ye heralds, re-echo it far and wide;
Tell out the nations again and again,
The Gospel of peace, good will to men.

A. B. Simpson

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